Hello sweet angels!♡
For today’s blog post, I’m so excited to be sharing a little about my most recent trip to Sanrio Puroland…! ♪ I decided to visit in early November, when they introduced this years Christmas theme, ‘sparkling pink christmas’ ꒰⑅ˊ͈ ˙̫ ˋ͈⑅꒱
I’ve also posted a short video vlog on instagram if you haven’t already seen it!♡
♡ Travelling to Puroland ♡
To get to Puroland, I had about a hour-long tube journey from Shinjuku-sanchome station. Although I was a bit nervous travelling by myself, it went very smoothly and the tube system was easy to navigate! I also got to travel half of the journey in a woman’s-only carriage, which was a relief as the train was quite busy. By the time I’d arrived at Keio-Tama-Center station, it was initially a little confusing as there weren’t the classic Puro decorations that I remembered from the last time I visited (which i also wrote a blog about!), but then I realised it was because my train was just further out from the centre of the station. Then, following the directions, I’d arrived at the adorable front gates…!

♡ Lady Kitty’s Palace ♡
Once we were welcomed into Lady Kitty‘s house, there were so many pretty spots for photos and to have fun! I really loved this closet, that opens up to reveal a giant bear! It was such a surprise as I’d been standing in front of it hehe

Then before meeting Lady Kitty, I decided to take some photos…!♡ The lighting in puroland is actually quite nice for selfies, and all the makeup products in Lady Kitty‘s room are giant, so it makes it feel like you’re a doll…! For todays code, I’d decided to wear this Liz Lisa x My Melo print dress from my previous post with the Donki My Melo crocs, knee high socks, and accessories from Paris Kids and Lafary (as well as My Melo ears bought from the puro shop, of course!)

Before I left Lady Kitty‘s realm, I had to get the classic photo in her strawberry carriage…!♡ Despite being alone on this trip, I worked up the courage to talk to someone and ask her to take my photo…!~♪ And I’m really happy I did, as this family were so sweet and friendly, and took some photos for me that I really like. If you’re travelling alone, don’t be afraid to ask others for help taking pictures, everyone is really kind♡ 

I decided to visit this limited cafe as it was super pretty, and seemed to have beautiful sweets…!♡ The sparking Christmas only had meat dishes available, so I wanted to get something that was vegan (or, more realistically, vegetarian) friendly, but still cute and tasty. I also visited early to avoid queuing, which seemed to be a good idea as when I passed this cafe a couple hours later, there was a long queue…!~♪
I decided to get the milk cheesecake and banana milk set, with this pretty strawberry jelly yogurt drink~ overall, everything tasted quite nice!♡
I’m not a huge fan of milk in general, but it looked so cute, it was fun to pose and take photos with hehe~ as for the cheesecake, it was a little confusing as the base is actually a piece of waffle…? Regardless, it was simple but tasty. The drink was very sweet (as you can probably tell from the photo, hehe!) and overall, it was okay. I probably wouldn’t order these items again, but they make for a cute photo? And, I suppose, the event is limited, so they’re somewhat special

♡ My Melody’s room ♡
After my very sweet meal, I headed to my most anticipated part of the park: My Melo’s room! This area is mainly a shop, with some cute photo spots. The last time I was here, it looked completely different, but honestly it’s even cuter now…! ꒰#’ω`#꒱੭
One of my favourite photo spots is this adorable My Melody with a little heart…! And of course, the beautiful cherry blossom table. I took some photos here, thanks to the lovely girls in the queue behind me who also loved My Melo♡

You can see the full video on my instagram reel, my favourite part is seeing baby Melo!! I just adore all the sweet characters in My Melo‘s life, and getting the cute photo taken (that you can decorate…!) I’m still getting used to how quickly purikara asks you to edit photos, but eventually I’ll decorate in time hehe!

Finally, I went to view the sparkling christmas show, which was absolutely adorable!♡
Cogimyun had her own little singing solo which was too cute, although unfortunately by this point it had gotten super crowded, so it was hard to see…! I couldn’t wait to see the performance from the front row as I had very little time before rushing off to see a friend in Akihabara, but next time when I’m not so busy I’ll make sure to sit front row and get good photos to share with you!♡
Here’s a summary of all the things that I’d ended up purchasing…! As I’d already been to a few Sanrio stores prior, I didn’t go too crazy and just bought the things that I’d really wanted… as well as a Hypmic Samatoki figure and Pui Pui Molcar cable bite, hehe!

Overall, I had an incredible time and would really recommend Sanrio puroland to anyone considering going, it’s just such a happy and fun place. Everyone was so nice to me, and a few people even recognised the print that I was wearing !! ♡
My main advice would be to try and get there as early as possible, as many popular merchandise and food items will sell out quickly. Additionally, take lots of photos, and start sitting to wait for the live show at least half an hour before it starts if you want a good view!
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day~♪